Monday 19 March 2018

Through sufferings I came closer to God !

However, I don’t recall experiencing problem after problem in the past.  Maybe because as we grow older we experience more problems in life, I recently experienced problems one after another. Thanks to God, through sufferings I came closer to God and I was also able to see how God was with me all the way. His name is to be praised and glorified!
It’s not easy to walk through a miscarriage,  it’s even harder if you have to go through a series of health threats after the miscarriage. While I was still dealing with the emotion of sadness, I was told that I could be having a health problem that resulted in the miscarriage. I was really worried. It was very difficult dealing with emotions of sadness and worries at the same time. Thank God, He carried me through and I didn’t have the health issue.
However, my problems did not stop at that, I started to experience other symptoms. Doctors told me that it could be other health problems. God healed me and prevented anything serious from two of the three problems, praised God! With the third problem, after reading a lot of information on the internet I was very worried once again (maybe searching on the internet was not a good idea).  After doing testing after testing, it turned out that I do have the problem (it didn’t cause the miscarriage). It was caused by a doctor who did an operation for me in the past and I will need to have surgery to have the problem fixed. Thanks and praises to God, He prevented me from having the problem as serious as what I looked up in the internet.
While I’m experiencing these problems, I started to have an ankle problem. I was surprised that it didn’t get better after 1 year. I then had scans done and was told that it is a problem only treatable by surgery. I was told I will not be able to walk properly for at least for 3-6 months post surgery.
These are only some of the problems I experienced one after another recently. I was asking the question why do I have to experience suffering one after another. Is God angry with me? Did I do anything that He is not happy with? But I was reminded of these verses in Romans 5:3-5:
“Not only so, but we also glory in our sufferings, because we know that suffering produces perseverance;  perseverance, character; and character, hope. And hope does not put us to shame, because God’s love has been poured out into our hearts through the Holy Spirit, who has been given to us.”
I give glory to God Who has prevented the health issues to be anything more serious and He was with me all the way. His name is to be gloried!

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