Tuesday 20 March 2018

I stood up and began to preach !

After my college, I have joined the Indian Naval Aviation, graduated in Avionics and retired after 15 years of active Military  service. I have graduated in Alternative medicines with specialization in Homeopathy and started to run Medical Clinics with other Registered Medical Practitioners.  I was very much involved in Church activities and shouldered good positions in Church organizations.
On 18 Feb 2007, Sunday, on the Day I have completed 39 years and Turned 40, I had to minister the Word of God in the  afternoon prayer meeting in the Church.   Although, I had prepared a good speech, I was compelled by an inner thought to read from Exodus 20, just before the speech. My eyes got struck on verse 4 ( Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.) and I closed the Bible.  An unexplained power fell on me and asked me to open the bible again. I have opened to see Deuteronomy 5 to my surprise. I read through and my eyes stopped on verse 8 (Thou shalt not make thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the waters beneath the earth).
Some one said in my mind, this is from God, preach this. I stood up and began to preach on Exodus 20:4. The elders of the church stood up and asked me to sit down. They said, it is satan who has revealed it to me. I was confused. That very day, I have decided to study the Word of God systematically. As I have progressed in studying the Bible, I have understood that for the last 30 years, what ever I have been doing as Catholic Christian was against the Word of God. On 6th April 2007, I knelt down in the ‘Madbaha’ and prayed to God to take me out from this mess.
In December 2007, I received an e-mail from NPCC, Abu Dhabi offering me a Job to Train Electronic Engineers, (A job I never applied for because I was a well known and practicing doctor by this time). I have understood that God replied to my prayer. Accepted the job offer and latter on understood that my brother who was in Abu Dhabi has talked about me in NPCC since they required a person with my experience.
In Abu Dhabi, I have confined myself to studying the word of God and attending the Holy Mass only on weekends. But, I continued to live the life of a normal catholic, since I never new any other Christian life ways.
On 09 Dec 2009, while I was in my room in the evening, I have heard a soft, but authoritative voice from far away
“Anson, you are a sinner.”
At first I did not care it much because I thought it is just a thought in my mind. (Catholics believe that once they have attended the confession and Holy Mass, they are Holy and not a sinner, until they sin again.) But, I have again heard the voice ” Anson, your sins have taken you far away from me. Repent and turn back to me. “I have talked back saying “I have confessed and accepted the Holy Communion and how do you call me a sinner. If I am a sinner, show my sins.”
The next three days, I can never forget in  my life. I began to see visions as projected on to the opposite wall. Each and every sin I have committed from the age of about 12 years. One by one, began to appear on the wall. Most of which I had already forgotten. On the third day, I fell down on the floor, my face down, I cried and shouted,
“Lord, I accept you as my Saviour. Forgive me. save me.”
I felt, a lot of weights leaving my body and mind. I became light. I stood up and took a decision. If I live, it will be for this person who has called me a sinner and shown me my sins. Catholic church never ever brought this thought of repentance in me. It never ever objected my smoking and drinking habits as sin. The Catholic Church always taught me, if I ever sin, confess it to the Priest at least once a year and accept Holy Communion to become a saint again.
I have rendered my resignation on 13th Dec 2009 and returned home on 10th Jan 2010 as  a born again Christian. I declared in my church that I shall not be coming to the church again. I began to attend a Pentecostal prayer near my home. My whole family and Parish church turned against me and played what ever tricks they could to turn me back to the Catholic faith. But, they all failed.
On 21 Sep 2010, I was Baptized by Pr. CJ Johnson, in river Pampa. I was filled with the Holy Spirit power and realized my calling as a Prophet of God. I began to spread the Good News of Salvation in the district I was born.
On 04th January 2014, God  brought me back to Abu Dhabi, as fulfillment of  a Prophetic message I have heard in August 2013 through Pr. Unnikrishnan Samuel, while I was attending a fasting prayer in a strange house.
In Abu Dhabi, I worship with an Indian Pentecostal Church, with my family and studying Theology in a Seminary, while being employed as Engineer in an Aviation Organization, a job which I have not applied for!!!
After I have accepted Christ Jesus into my life, I never had to look back or stumble. All my life necessities are well looked after by Lord, at the right time.
The Bible verse I have received and accepted during the initial days of my salvation is 1 Peter 5: 6 (Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that he may exalt you in due time)
I request your valuable prayer to grow in faith and Holy living.

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