Sunday 18 March 2018


I suffered from panic attacks for almost ten years. For those of you that are not familiar with the symptoms of these attacks, it includes the following (rapid heartbeat, chest pain, feeling faint and weak, difficult to breathe, numbness etc). I suffered from these attack usually when I needed to go to the store or church and later on even when I was at home. I became depressed and felt like I have fallen into a deep pit. All I wanted was for God to deliver me so that I could glorify His Name.
I went to see a doctor that happened to be a Christian. He told me that I should lay aside everything and seek God’s face, and I did. He also prescribed me some medication to help me with the symptoms. I felt like someone that’s in bondage because every time I wanted to claim my healing I could feel something doesn’t want me to. Something was always trying to pull me from God’s Word. I cried and prayed a lot. Every time I stepped out in faith the devil was right there to try to pull me back into unbelief. Fear kept me in bondage for a very long time.
The Lord kept on speaking to me through various sermons, people and prophecies but I was afraid to step out on what I know to be the Truth, His Word! God told me He will deliver me, but not in the way I think. I started to read the book ‘A thinking man’s filter’ . Through that book the Lord revealed to me who I am in Christ and how He has chosen and predestined me and what He has done for me.
Through these revelations I was set free from all these things, from panic, from fear, oppression, depression and so much more. I’m free!! Glory to His Name! The devil likes to try his old tricks on me but I just quote the Word. It is written. It is written and then he flees. I hope this encouraged someone. Shalom!

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