Sunday 18 March 2018

Supernatural ENCOUNTER !

 I ended up drinking a lot and was also very sexually immoral. I remember last year when my landlord ended up calling my mother after I had threw a party the night before. My mother said
“This is not the daughter I raised, I don’t know who you are.”
That deeply hurt me but I was not about to stop living my disgusting life.
I eventually had to move to Cape Town because my mother had relocated there for work. I was fuming, I didn’t want to live at home under my mother’s rules, who is a born-again Christian. I was always angry and blamed all my family members for keeping me away from my friends and the great parties. Little did I know that my life was about to change for the better.
When I came to Cape Town I started a new degree in Teaching. I initially hated it as I felt like they were forcing ,e to do it at home. To be honest, I knew very well that I was making God a fool and playing Him. Claiming to be His child but did the opposite. I knew the bible and how to pray, I had felt His presence in my life before but I didn’t care anymore. I suffered from depression which made it worse, so I was miserable.
Fast-forward to August 2nd 2017, I go to the clinic and find out that I am HIV+. I felt like dying and I was heartbroken as you can imagine. Walked home crying and thinking about my son who had been on the breast the whole time.
I came home and was overwhelmed but there was no pain in my heart; I was at peace, which I didn’t understand. I just started praying and repenting to God. My mother came home and I told her, she hugged me and spoke words of encouragement and I asked that we tell her sister in Christ and she said to put our faith in Christ and pray to Him. I took my son to get tested and he was HIV negative which shocked me, but I was very happy.
I went to get my cd4 count results and was transferred to another clinic for treatment. Bare in mind that I have already given my life now to Christ. We normally have mini-sermons here at home every night at 7pm,so as I was testifying; my mother (only telling me after a few weeks) told me that as I was testifying, she saw me glowing and saw something floating around me.
Then God spoke to her and told her that I don’t have HIV. Same thing happened to my younger sister who was awakened by a voice telling her that I am not HIV+. So back to being transferred; they took bloods etc and I left, my mother picked me up. We talk about my situation and she remembers something her sister in Christ had said.
The day I found out about my status, the day I told my mom and the day we called her sister; she had prayed on that day. God spoke to her after that and told her that He had promised my mother and herself that He would bring back their daughters from wherever they are. He then told her that this was the only way He could get me back, there was no other way. I believe this is true because my son is negative and my ex-partner found out today that he is negative.
Tonight I would like to give God all the glory and honor because He could have easily taken my life and be in hell at this moment, but He saved me and resurrected my dead soul which was enslaved. I am at peace because I know He has soo many big plans for me and He is guiding me every step of the way. I do not drink anymore, or date and I am no longer sexually immoral. I always want God to show me His mysteries and show Himself to me.
This one night, as I fell asleep; I felt my body shake and it felt like I was floating. Next thing, I was sitting with someone; He was glowing and was teaching me the scripture. I woke up and my room was filled with mist. I knew I had seen JESUS, not his face though but I was sitting with Christ Himself and He was teaching me His word. Glory be to God in the highest. I love Him so much and I pray that He carries on with me on this path that He has put me on. We serve a living God, all-seeing God who does not slumber or sleep. Amen brothers and sisters in Christ.

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