Monday 19 March 2018

God works in mysterious ways !

Before I got saved I was in such a dark place in my life, I was so confused and looking for love in all the wrong places. I ended up catching an incurable std. genital warts. I did not know what to do with myself I tried to everything to get rid of them. From freezing them from ACV to try to burn them off they still came back, nothing worked. I felt so disgusting never would I thought I would contract a std.
God works in mysterious ways  He totally uprooted me from that situation and moved me to another state, I came to Christ and He saved me. I remember one night I was praying to Him and I was telling Him everything, I was asking Him to heal me from that STD. Days later I received the Holy Spirit while sleeping  and I felt fire on my whole body. He purged me from so many things that night. That was 8 months ago and I never had an outbreak again. I have a longer testimony but I just wanted to share this little portion. God is so real and He is concerned with every detail of our lives. He loves and if we come to Him He will do everything we ask. I love so much!
-psalms 56:8
-Ephesians 3:20
-Psalms 107:17-22
– Isaiah 53:5

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