1.Abiding Son John 8:35. Matt. 28:20.
Heb. 1:3
2.Abolisher of the Enemy Eph. 2:15. Revelation 19:20
3.Abundant Grace Romans 5:17-19
4.Abundant Life John 10:10. Psalms 23:1
5.Ancient of Days Daniel 7:9,13, 22
6.Adonai Deut. 6:4. Isa. 4:4; 61:1
7.Advocate I John 2:1
8.Aleph and Tau Psalms 119:1,169
9.Alpha and Omega Revelation 1:8, 11; 22:1
10.Altogether Lovely Song of Solomon5:16
11.Amen Num. 5:22. Rev. 1:5; 3:14
12.Anchor of Souls Gen. 6:19. Matt. 14:25
13.Angel of God Gen. 31:11. Exo. 14:9
14.Angel of His Presence Isa. 63:9. John 1:13
15.Angel of Jacob Genesis 49:16
16.Angel of the Lord Gen. 18:2-15. Exodus 3:2
17Anointed King I Sam. 2:10
18.Anointed of the Holy Spirit Psa. 45:7. Heb. 1:9. Matt. 3:16
19.Anointed Preacher Isaiah 61:1
20.Anointed Witness I Samuel 12:5
21.Anointed of My Head Psalms 23:5
22.Another King Acts 17:7
23.Another Priest Heb. 7:15, 16
24.Anthem of a New Song Rev. 5:9; 7:12; 15:3
25.Apple Tree Song of Solomon 2:3
26.Appointed Heir Hebrews 1:2
27.Appointed Judge John 5:29. Acts 12:30
28.Appointed of God Psa. 104:19. Hebrews 3:2
28.Appointed Sacrifice Hebrews 7:28. Psalms 40:6
29.Appointer of Seasons Psalms 104:19. Genesis 1:14
30.Approved of God Acts 2:22
31.Ark of Strength Isa. 62:8
32.Arm of His Strength Psalms 132:8
33.Arm of Redemption Psalms 77:15
34.Arm of the Lord Isaiah 51:9; 53:1
35.Armor of God Isaiah 6:5; 11:5
36.Assurance of our Hearts John 14:1. I John 3:19
37.Astonied One Isa. 52:14; 50:6
38.Author and Finisher of Faith Heb. 12:2. John 19:30
39.Author of Eternal Salvation Heb. 5:9. Rev. 21:27
40.Arrow of Conviction Zech. 9:14. John 7:58
41.Author of Peace with God Romans 5:1. John14:27
42.Author of Book of Life Revelation 21:27
43.Availing Shield and Buckler Psalms 35:2
44.Anointed One Psalms 2:2
[size=16pt]LETTER B[/size]
45.Babe of Bethlehem Luke 2:12
46.Babe and Child of Promise Gen. 3:15. Isa. 7:14; 9:6
47.Balm of Gilead Jeremiah 8:22
48.Banner of Israel Psalms 60:4
49.Banner of Love Song of Solomon 2:4
50.Baptizer Matthew 3:11
51.Barer of the Seven Stars Revelation 1:6
52.Beautiful and Glorious Branch Isaiah 4:2
53.Beauty of Holiness II Chron. 20:21. Isaiah 33:17
54.Beauty of the Lord Isa. 4:2. Psalms 90:17
55.Beginning and Ending Isa. 43: 3-7. Revelation 1:8
56.Beginning of Wisdom Psalms 111:10. Proverbs 8:23
57.Beloved, White and Rudy One Song of Solomon 5:10
58.Beloved of the Father Matthew 12:18
59.Beloved Son Matt. 13:17. Mark 11:1
60.Better than Angels Hebrews 1:4
61.Blessed and Glorious Lamb Revelation 5:13
62.Blessed and Only Potentate I Tim. 6:16. Revelation 19:16
63.Blessed and Glorious Name Psalms 72:19
64.Blessed Lamb of Glory Revelation 7:12
65.Blessed One Psalms 72:19
66.Blessed Rock Psalms 18:46
67.Blesser of the Children Mark 9:36
68.BRANCH Zechariah 3:8
69.Branch of Righteousness Jeremiah 33:15
70.Bread John 6:50
71.Bread of Heaven John 6:51
72.Bread of God John 6:33
73.Bread of Life John 6:48
74.Breast Plate of our Righteousness Rom. 13:14. Ephesians 6:14
75.Bridegroom John 2:39. Matt. 9:15
76.Bridegroom Lamb Revelation 19:7; 21:9
77.Bright Light of Glory Job 37:21
78.Brightness of His Glory Heb. 1:3. John 17:5
79.Brightness of the Lord Eze. 10:4
80.Brightness of Thy Rising Isa. 60:3. Rev. 21:23
81.Bringer of Good Things Isa. 41:27; 61:1
82.Brother of James Mark 6:3
83.Buckler to the Upright Proverbs 2:7
84.Buckler to All II Sam. 22:51. Psalms 18:30
85.Builder and Maker Heb. 11:10. Isa. 17:7
86.Builder of the Church Matthew 16:18
87.Bruised and Afflicted of God Isaiah 53:5
88.Bruiser of Satan Gen. 3:15. Romans 16:20
[size=16pt]LETTER C[/size]
89.Captain of Salvation Hebrews 2:10
90.Captain of the Lord’s Host Joshua 5:14
91.Carpenter Jesus Mark 6:3
92.Carpenter’s Son Matt. 13:55
93.Chief Corner Stone Ephesians 2:10
94.Chief Shepherd I Peter 5:4
95.Chiefest among Ten Thousand Song of Solomon 5:10
96.Child Jesus Luke 2:47
97.Child of the Holy Ghost Matthew 1:18
98.Chosen of God I Peter 2:4. Luke23:25
99.Chosen Stone of God I Peter 2:4
101.Christ Jesus Acts 19:4. Romans 3:24
102.Christ Jesus the Lord II Cor. 4:5
103.Christ of God Luke 9:20
104. Christ our Life Col. 3:4
105. Christ our Peace Isa. 53:5. Eph. 2:14
106.Christ the Crucified I Cor. 1:22; 2:8
107.Christ the King of Israel Mark 15:32
108.Christ the Lord Luke 2:11
109.Christ the Rock I Cor. 10:4
110.Christ the Son of David Mark 12:35
111.Christ the Son of God Acts 9:20. Luke 4:11
112.Christ the Son of the Blessed Mark 14:61
113.Christ the First Fruits I Cor. 15:23. Matt. 27:5
114.Cloud of the Lord Exo. 40:38. Rev. 14:14
115.Cluster of the Camphire Song of Solomon 1:14
116.Comfort of the Mourners Isa. 61:12. John 11:45
117.Comforter of Zion Isaiah 40:1
118.Compassionate Shepherd Matthew 9:36
119.Consuming Fire Deut. 4:24; 9:3
120.Confidence Psalms 65:5
121.Conquering Lamb Rev. 17:14
122.Consecrated Son Heb. 7:8
123.Consolation of Israel Luke 2:25
124.Complete Controller of All Col. 1:7
125.Completer of the Saints Col. 3:3
126.Contradiction of Sinners Heb. 12:3. Romans 3:23
127.Counsel of the Most High Psalms 107:22. Isa. 9:6
128.Covenant of the People Isaiah 49:8
129.Covenant of Promise Heb. 10:16
130.Covert from the Storm Isaiah 4:6 131.Creator of Israel Isaiah 43:15
132.Creator of the New Heavens and Earth Isa. 66:22
133.Creator of Principalities and Powers Col. 1:16
134.Creator of the Earth Isa. 40:28
135.Creator of the Heavens Isa. 42:5; 45:18
136.Creator of Visible & Invisible things Col. 1:16
137.Creator of the Winds Proverbs 30:4. Amos 4:13
138.Crown of Glory Isa. 28:5.
139.Crown of Pure Gold Psalms 21:3
[size=16pt]LETTER D[/size]
140.Darling Psalms 22:20; 35:17
141.Days man Job 9:33. I Tim. 2:5
142.Dayspring from on High Luke 1:78
143.Daystar II Peter 1:19
144. Defense Job 22:25. Psa. 89:18
145. Deliverer Psalms 18:2
146. Deliverer to Zion Isa. 59:20
147. Deliverer of my Soul Psa. 86:13. Romans 10:4
148.Designer of the Universe Psalms 19:1
149.Desire of All Nations Haggai 2:7
150. Desire of our Soul Isaiah 26:8
151. Desire of the Bride Song of Solomon 7:10
152. Desire of the Prophets and Kings Luke 10:24
153.Desire of the Righteous Proverbs 11:23
154.Desire of Women Daniel 11:37
155.Despised and Rejected One Isa. 53:3
156.Despised of the People Psalms 22:6. Isa. 60:14
157.Dew of youth Psalms 110:3
158.Dew unto Israel Hosea 14:5
159.Diadem of Beauty Isa. 28:5
160. Disallowed Stone I Peter 2:7
161. Door of Faith Acts 14:27
162.Door of the Sheep John 10:9
163. Dweller of the Heavenlies Psalms 123: 1. John 6
[size=16pt]LETTER E[/size]
164. El Shaddai Genesis 14
165.Enlarger of Gad Deut. 33:20
166. Elect of the Lord Isa. 42: 1
167. Eloihim Gen. 1:1. Exo. 1:17. Zech. 13:9
168. Enlarger of my Heart Psalms 119:32
169.Enlightener of My Darkness Psalms 18:28
170.Ensign Isa. 30:17
171.Ensign for the Nations Isa. 11:12
172.Ensign of the People Isa. 11:10
173.Enthroned Priest Zech. 6:12. Heb. 10:12
174.Equal of God John 5:18. Phil. 2:6
175.Establisher of the Ends of the Earth Proverbs 30:4
176.Eternal Christ John 8
177.Eternal Life I John 1:2; 5:20
178.Eternal Word John 1:1
179. Eucharist of our Faith I Cor. 11:24
180. Everlasting God Isa. 40:28
181.Everlasting King Isa. 40:28
182.Everlasting Name Isa. 63:16. Phil. 2:11
183.Everlasting Priest Heb. 7:17
184. Ever living Intercessor Isa. 53:12. Heb. 7:25
185. Ever living One Rev. 4:10
186. Ever merciful One Psalms 37:26
187.Exalted and Extolled Servant Isaiah 52:13
188.Exalted God of Salvation Psalms 18:46
189.Exalted Lamb Rev. 5:13
190.Exalted Name Psa. 34:4. Phil. 2:9 191.Exceeding Joy our God Psa. 34:4
192. Excellency of God Isa. 35:2
193. Excellent Psalms 148:13
194.Excellent and Comely One Isa. 4:2
195.Executor of Judgment John 5:27
196.Executor of Righteousness Jeremiah 33:15
197.Expectation of David Psalms 62:5
198.Express Image Heb. 1:3
199.Eye of the Lord Psalms 33:18
[size=16pt]LETTER F[/size]
200.Face of God Gen. 33:30. John 1:18
201.Face of the Lord Luke 1:78
202.Fairer than Children of Man Isa. 45:2
203.Faithful I Thes. 5:24
204.Faithful Ambassador Proverbs 13:7
205.Faithful Creator I Peter 4:9
206.Faithful Lord Isa. 49:7
207.Faithful and Just Forgiver I John 1:9
208.Faithful Witness Psa. 89:37. Rev. 1:5
209. Faithfulness Isa. 11:5
210. Father of the Fatherless Isa. 65:5
211.Fellow John 5:18. Zech. 3:17
212.First and Last Isa. 44:6. Rev. 1:11
213.First Begotten Heb. 1:6
214.First Begotten from the Dead Rev. 1:5. Matt. 27:53
215.Fire of Zion Isa. 31:9
216. First Born Psa. 89:27
217. First Born Among Many Brethren Romans 8:29
218.First Born from the Dead Col.1:18
219.First Born of Every Creature Col. 1:15
220.First Born Son Matt. 1:25
221. First Fruits of Them That Slept I Cor. 15:20
222. First Love I John 4:19. Rev. 2:4
223. Foolishness of God I Peter 1:18, 20
224.Foreordained Eternally I Peter 1:20
225.Forerunner Heb. 6:20
226.Former of all things Jer. 51:19. John 1:3
227.Former of Jacob and Israel Isa. 44:21
228.Former of the Light Gen. 1:15-17. John 1:10
229.Fountain of Jacob Deut. 33:28
230.Fountain of the House of David Zech. 13:1
231.Framer of the Worlds Heb. 11:3
232.Free Gift Romans 5:15
233.Friend Proverbs 18:24
234.Friend Forever II Chron. 20:7
235.Friend of Abraham Isa. 41:8
236. Friend of Publican and Sinners Matt. 11:19
237. Fruit of the Earth Isa. 4:2; 47:2; 53:3
238.Fruit of the Womb Matt. 1:25. Luke 1:42
239.Fullness of the Father Col. 1:19
240.Fullness of the Godhead Col. 2:9
[size=16pt]LETTER G[/size]
241.Gardener of Earth Isa. 41:19. Gen. 2:8. Psa. 65
242.Gather of the Winds Proverbs 30:4
243.Gentiles Trust Romans 15:12. Luke 2:32
244.Gift of God John 4:10
245.Giver of Secrets and Treasures of Earth Isa. 45:3,9
246.Giver of the Good spirit Neh. 9:20. John 16
247.Gladness of the Nations Psalms 106:5
248. Glorious Arm Isa. 63:12
249. Glorious Honor of Thy Majesty Psa. 145:5. Heb. 1:3
250.Glorious Lord Isa. 33:21
251.Glorious Voice with Us Isa. 30:30. Rev. 1:10-12
252.Glory of Gods Majesty Isa. 61:1. Heb. 1:3; 8:1
253. Glory of Israel Eze. 9:3. Luke 2:32
254. Glory of the Gentiles Isa. 66:12. Luke 2:32
255.God Blessed Forever Romans 1:25; 9:5
256.God Manifest in Flesh I Tim. 3:16
257.God of David Psa. 18:32
258.God of Great Kindness Neh. 9:17
259.God of Pardon and New Life Neh. 9:17
260.God of Righteousness and Wrath Isa. 42:5
261.God of Jeshrun Deut. 33:26
262.God our Savior I Tim. 2:3
263.God With Us Isa. 7:14; 8:10. Matt. 1:25
264.Good and Upright Psalms 51:8
265.Good Lord II Chron. 30:8. Psalms 100:5
266.Good Shepherd John 10:4. Eze. 34:12-16
267.Good Teacher Mark 10:17
268. Good Man of the House Matthew 20:11
269. Governor Micah 5:2. Matt. 2:18
270.Governor of Many Nations Psalms 22:8
271.Gracious God Jonah 4:2
272. Gracious Lord I Peter 2:3
273. Gracious and Full of Compassion Psa. 111:1; 145:8
274.Great Counselor Isa. 9:6. Jer. 32:19
275.Great Door I Cor. 16:9. John 10
276. Great God Neh. 8:6. Titus 2:13
277. Great High Priest Heb. 4:14
278.Great King Mal. 1:14
279.Great Lord Psalms 147:5
280. Great One Isa. 19:20
281. Great Peace Psa. 119:165. Isa. 26:3
282. Great Prophet Luke 7:17
283.Great Savior Titus2:13
284. Great Shepherd Psa. 23:2. Heb. 13:20
285. Great and Terrible God Psa. 99:3. I Thess. 1:8
286.Greater than Abraham John 8:53
287.Greater than Isaac Heb. 11:19
288.Greater than Jacob John 4:12
289. Greater than Jonah Matt. 12:41. Luke 11:31
290. Greater than David Psalms 89:2
291.Greater than Noah I Peter 3:19
292.Greater than Solomon Matthew 12:41
293.Greater than our Hearts I John 3:20
294.Greater and more Perfect Tabernacle Heb. 9:11
295.Greatness of Excellency Exo. 15:67
296.Greatness of Might Isaiah 40:2
297.Greatness of Strength Isaiah 63:12
298.Greatness of Thy Power Psalms 79:11
299.Greatness of Zion Psalms 99:2
300.Green Tree Luke 23:11
301. Guarantor of our Security John 5:29; 10:28
302. Guarantor of the New Covenant Hebrews 8:10-13
303.Guarantor of the Tree of Life Rev. 22:14
304.Guide for Us Jer. 3:9. Psa. 48:14
[size=16pt]LETTER H[/size]
305.Hand of the Lord Joshua 4:29
306.Hanged Redeemer Acts 5:30
307.Harmless Heb. 7:26
308.Hated One John 8:46; 15:23-24
309.Hater of Iniquity Heb. 1:9. Psalms 45
310.Head Above All I Chron. 29:1. Acts 4:32
311.Head of All Principality and Powers Col. 2:10
312.Head of Every Man I Cor. 11:3
313. Head of the Body Col. 1:18
314. Head of the Corner Eph. 5:23. Acts 20:28
315.Head of the Church Eph. 5:23
316. Head Over All Eph. 1:22
317. Head Over Things Eph. 4:15
318.Healer Exo. 15:26
319. Healer of Broken Hearts Isa. 61:1. Psalms 51:17
320. Healer of Souls Psalms 41:4
321.Healer of Wounds Isaiah 30:6
322.Health of My Countenance Psa. 42:5
323.Hearer of Prayer Psa. 65:2. John 15
324.Help of His Countenance Psalms 42:5
325. Helper of the Helpless Psa. 10:14. Mark 5:18
326. Heir of All Things Heb. 1:12
327.Hidden God Isaiah 45:18
328. Hidden Manna Rev. 2:12-17. John 6:36
329. High Above All Psalms 99:26. Phil. 2:11
330.High and Lofty One Isaiah 57:15
331.High God Micah 6:6
332. High Lord Psalms 93:4
333. High Priest of Good Things Heb. 9:11
334.High Priest of Our Profession Heb. 3:1; 6:20
335.High Priest Over House of God Heb. 10:21
336.High Right Hand Psalms 89:13
337.High Tower of Mine Psalms 18:2
338.Higher Than Heavens Heb. 7:26
339.Higher Than Kings Psalms 89:27. Rev. 19:16
340.Highest One Psalms 18:3
341. His Brightness Habbakuk 3:4
342. His Dear Son Col. 1:13
343. His Excellent Greatness Psalms 150:2
344.His Holiness Amos 4:12. Psa. 108:7
345.His Holy Arm Isaiah 52:10
346.His Loving-kindness Isaiah 63:7
347.His Mighty Hand Deut. 11:2
348.His Right Hand Isa. 62:8
349.His Son Jesus Christ I John 3:23
350.His Son Our Lord I Cor. 1:9
351.Holier Than Thou Isa. 65:5 352.Holy and True Rev. 6:10
353.Holy Child Jesus Acts 4:47. Luke 2:11
354.Holy Lord God I Sam. 6:20
355. Holy Name Psa. 33:31. Phil. 2:11
356. Holy One Job 6:10. Psa. 16:10
357.Holy One and Just Acts 3:14
358.Holy One of God Mark 1:24
359.Holy One of Israel Isa. 41:14
360.Holy One of Jacob Isa. 29:23
361.Holy One of Mount Paran Habb. 3:3
362.Holy Thing Luke 1:39
363.Honorable Lamb of Glory Rev. 7:12
364.Honored Son John 5:23
365.Hope in Day of Evil Jer. 17:7
366.Hope of David Psa. 16:19. Acts 2:30
367.Hope of Eternal Life Titus 3:17
368.Hope of Glory Col. 1:27
369.Hope of His People Israel Joel 3:16. Matt. 1:23
370.Hope of Israel Jer. 14:8
371.Hope of Righteousness Gal. 5:5
372.Hope of the Promise Acts 26:6
373. Hope and Joy of Abraham John 8:56
374. Hope and Joy of Simeon Luke 2:25-32
375.Horn of David Psa. 132:17
376. Horn of Salvation Luke 1:69
377. Horn of the House of David Eze. 29:21
378.Horn of the House of Israel Eze. 29:21
379.Horn of My Salvation Psa 18:2. II Sam. 22:23
380.Hosanna of the Highest Praise Mark 11:10
381.House of Defense Psa. 31:2. Zech. 9:9
382.Humbler of the High Minded Isa. 26:5
383.Husband of Israel Isa. 54:5
384. Husband of the Bride Rev. 21:2. Jer. 23:9. II Cor. 11:2
[size=16pt]LETTER I[/size]
385. I Am John 8:58
386. I Am that I Am Exo. 3:14. John 8:58
387.Image of God Heb. 1:3
388. Image of the Believers Col. 3:9
389. Image of the Father John 14:9
390.Image of the Invisible God Col. 1:15
391. Immanuel Isa. 7:14; 8:10. Matt. 1:23
392.Immortal I Tim. 1:17
393. Incarnate God Phil. 2:8. John 1:14
394. Infinite One Psa. 33:11. Mal. 3:16
395.Inheritor of All Nations Psa. 82:8
396.Inheritor of My Mountains Isa. 65:9
397.Intercessor of Sinners Isa. 53:12
[size=16pt]LETTER J[/size]
398.Jasper and Sardine Stone Rev. 4:3
399.Jealous God Exo. 20:5. Joshua 24:19
400. JESUS Matt. 1:21
401. Jesus Christ our Lord Matt. 1:1
402.Jesus Christ our Savior Titus 2:3
403.Jesus Christ the Righteous I John 2:1
404.Jesus of Galilee Matt. 26:64
405.Jesus of Nazareth Matt. 1:24
406.Jesus the Crucified Acts 1:11; 2:36
407.Jesus the Grace and Truth John 1:17
408.Jesus the King of the Jews Matt. 27:37
409.Jew John 4:9
410.Judge Psa. 50:6
411.Judge Among Nations Isa. 2:4
412.Judge of All the Earth Psa. 94:21. Gen. 18:25
413.Judge of Israel Micah 5:2
414.Judge of Quick and Dead Acts 10:4
415.Judge of the Fatherless Psa. 10:18
416.Judge of Widows Psa. 68:5. Luke 21:1-4
417.Justified of the Spirit I Tim. 3:16
418.Justifier of the Circumcision Romans 3:30
419.Justifier of the Seed of Israel Isa. 45:25
420.Just God Isa. 45:25
421.Just Lord Zeph. 3:5
422.Just Man Matt. 27:4
423.Just One Acts 3:14; 7:52
424.Just Savior Isa. 45:21
[size=16pt]LETTER K[/size]
425.Keeper of Israel Psa. 121:4
426.Keeper of the Covenant and Mercy Neh. 9:32
427.Keeper of the Keys of Hell and Death Rev. 3:7
428.Kindler of Tophet Isa. 30:33. Matt. 25:41
429.King Beautiful Isa. 33:17
430.King Eternal I Tim. 1:7
431.King Forever Psa. 10:16
432.King of All the Earth Psa. 47:5
433.King of Glory Psa. 24:7-10
434.King of Heaven Dan. 4:37. Psa. 24:7
435.King of Israel Isa. 41:21. Gen. 49:10
436.King of Jacob Isa. 41:21. Gen. 49:10
437.King of Kings and Lord of Lords Rev. 19:16
438.King of Nations Jer. 10:10. Rev. 12:5
439.King of Peace Heb. 7:2
440.King of Righteousness Heb. 7:2
441.King of Saints Rev. 15:3
442.King of the Jews Matt. 2:21. Mark 15:26
443.King of Truth John 18:37
444.King of Zion Psa. 2:6. Zech. 9:4
445.Kinsman Nearer Than I Ruth 3:12
446.Kinsman Redeemer Job 19:25. John 1:11
447.Kodashim (Holy One) Proverbs 9:10; 30:3
448.Korban (Sacrifices) Heb. 9:28
[size=16pt]LETTER L[/size]
449.Lamb Rev. 5:6; 13:8
450.Lamb of God John 1:29, 36
451.Lamb of Mount Zion Rev. 14:2
452.Lamb of 144,000 Rev. 7:5-8
453.Lamb of Salvation Rev. 7:10
454.Lamb of the Great Multitude Rev. 7:9
455.Lamb of the Twelve Apostles Rev. 21:14
456.Lamb Slain from the Foundation Rev. 13:8
457.Lamb to the Slaughter Isa. 53:7. Acts 8:32
458.Lamb Without Spot and Blemish I Peter 1:18
459.Lamp II Sam. 22:29
460.Lamp of the Feet Psa. 119:105
461.Last Adam I Cor. 15:45
462.Leader and Commander Isa. 55:4 463.Life John 1:4
464.Life of Man Gen. 1:26. John 1:14
465.Lifted and Exalted Son John 3:14; 8:28
466.Lifted Up Suffering Symbol Num. 21:9
467.Lifted of My Head Psa. 3:3; 110:7
468.Light and Truth Psalms 43:3
469.Light Everlasting Isa. 60:20
470.Light in Darkness Psa. 112:4. John 8:12
471.Light of Heaven Acts 9:3; 26:13
472.Light of Israel Psa. 10:17
473.Light of Life John 1:4
474.Light of Men John 1:4
475.Light of the City Rev. 22:23
476.Light of the Gentiles Isa. 42:6. Luke 2:39
477.Light of the Glorious Gospel II Cor. 4:4
478.Light of the Glory of God II Cor 4:46. John 17:5
479.Light of the Path Psa. 110:105
480.Light of the World John 8:12; 9:5
481.Light of Thy Countenance Psa. 89:15
482.Lily Among Thorns Song of Solomon 2:2
483.Lily of the Valley Song of Solomon 2:11
484.Lion of the Tribe of Judah Hos. 11:10. Rev. 5:5
485.Lion of Zion Joel 3:16
486.Living Bread John 6:51
487.Living Redeemer Job 19:25
488.Living Savior Romans 5:9-11
489.Living Stone I Peter 2:4
490.Longsuffering God Num. 14:18. Psa. 86:15
491.Lord and Christ Acts 2:36
492.Lord and God John 20:28; 10:30
493.Lord and Shepherd Psa. 23:1
494.Lord From Heaven I Cor. 15:47
495.Lord God of the Holy Prophets Rev. 22:6
496.Lord God of Mount Sinai Neh. 9:13
497.Lord Jesus Christ Acts 2:36
498.Lord Jesus Christ Lord of Glory James 2:1
499.Lord Messiah Matthew 23:8
500.Lord Most High Psalms 7:17
501.Lord YHWH Everlasting Strength Isa. 26:4
502.Lord of a New Covenant Jer. 31:31. Heb. 8
503.Lord of All Acts 10:36
504.Lord of David Psa. 110:1
505.Lord of Glory I Cor. 2:8
506.Lord of Heaven and Earth Matt. 28:18. Acts 17:24
507.Lord of Hosts Isa. 23:9; 54:5
508.Lord of Kings Dan. 2:47 509.Lord of Lords Deut. 10:11
510.Lord of Peace II Thess. 3:16. John 4:35
511.Lord of Heavens Riches Romans 10:12
512.Lord of the Harvest Matt. 9:38. John 4:35
513.Lord of the Sabbath Mark 2:8
514.Lord of the Scriptures John 5:39-40. Luke 24:27
515.Lord of the Second Advent Heb. 9:28. Titus 2:15
516.Lord of the Whole Earth Micah 4:13
517.Lord Our Hope I Tim. 1:1
518.Lord Our Judge Isa. 33:22. John 5:29
519.Lord Our King Isa. 33:22
520.Lord Our Lord Psa. 8:1,9
521.Lord Our Maker Psa. 95:6
522.Lord Our Righteousness Jer. 23:36
523.Lord Our Shield Psa. 3:3; 59:11
524.Lord Over All Romans 10:12. Phil. 2:11
525.Lord the God of Hosts Amos 6:8
526.Lord the Judge Joshua 11:27
527.Lord Thy Creator Gen. 1:27. Ecc. 12:1
528.Lord Thy Redeemer Isa. 60:16
529.Lord Thy Savior Acts 4:12; 60:16
530.Lover of Righteousness Heb. 1:9. Psa. 33:5
[size=16pt]LETTER M[/size]
531.Magnified Lord Isa. 34:3
532.Magnified Name I Chron. 17:24
533.Majesty Isa. 2:19
534.Maker of All Things John 1:3. Col. 1:16
535.Maker of Israel Hosea 8:14. Isa. 45:11
536.Maker of Morning Darkness Amos 4:13
537.Maker of One New Man Eph. 2:15
538.Maker of Peace Eph. 2:15
539.Maker of the New Way Isa. 43:14. Matt. 27:58
540.Maker of the Path in the Sea Isa. 43:16. Exo. 14:21; 15:10
541.Man Christ Jesus I Timothy 2:5
542.Man of God Judges 13:6
543.Man of Sorrows Isa. 53:3. John 19:16
544.Man of Thy Right Hand Psa. 80:17
545.Man of War Exo. 15:3. Rev. 19:16
546.Manna From Heaven John 6
547.Marred One Isa. 50:6; 52:14
548.Master in Heaven Eph. 6:9. Col. 1:14
549.Master of the House Matt. 10:25. Luke 13:35
550.Master of the Sea Psa. 94:4. Matt. 8:26-28
551.Mediator of a Better Covenant Heb. 8:6
552.Mediator of the New Covenant Heb. 12:22
553.Mediator of the New Testament Heb. 9:15
554.Mediator Between God and Man I Timothy 2:5
555.Meek and Lowly Jesus Matt. 11:29
556.Merciful and Faithful High Priest Heb. 2:7
557.Merciful God Jer. 3:12. Deut. 4:31
558.Messenger of the Covenant Mal. 3:1. Matt. 21:12
559.Messiah John 1:49; 8:24
560.Messiah the Prince Daniel 9:25
561.Mightier than the Mighty Waves Psa. 93:4
562.Mightier than the Noise of any Waters Psa. 93:4
563.Mighty and Strong One Isa. 28:2; 30:30
564.Mighty Arm Psa. 89:13
565.Mighty God Isa. 9:6. Jer. 32:18
566.Mighty Hand of God Exo. 3:19. I Peter 5:6
567.Mighty Man Isa. 42:13
568.Mighty One of Israel Isa. 30:27
569.Mighty One of Jacob Isa. 49:26
570.Mighty Power Deut. 4:37; 9:29
571.Mighty Savior Isa. 63:12
572.Mighty Strength Job 9:4
573.Mighty Wisdom Job 36:5
574.Mind of the Lord Lev. 24:12. I Cor. 2:16
575.Mine Anointed I Sam. 2:35
576.Mine Elect Isa. 65:9
577.Mine Holy One Habb. 1:12
578.Minister of the Circumcision Romans 15:3
579.Minister of the Sanctuary Heb. 8:12
580.Minister of the True Tabernacle Heb. 8:12
581.Most Holy Dan. 9:25
582.Most Mighty Psa. 45:3
583.Most Upright Isa. 26:7
584.Mystery of Godliness I Timothy 3:16
[size=16pt]LETTER N[/size]
585.Narrow Gate Matthew 7:14. Isa. 40:2
586.Nazarene Matt. 2:23. Zech. 3:8
587.Near Lord Psa. 119:151
[size=16pt]LETTER O[/size]
588.Obedient Son Heb. 5:8
589.Offspring of David Rev. 22:6. John 1:11
590.Ointment Poured Song of Solomon 1:3. Psa. 89:20
591.ONE Zech. 14:9
592.One and Only Sacrifice John 3:16
593.One Lord Zech. 14:9. Eph. 4:5
594.One Shepherd Eze. 34:23. John 10:16
595.Only Rock Psa. 62:2; 18:31
596.Ordained Lamp of the Anointed Psa. 132:17
597.Ordained of the Father Acts 17:30
598.Ordainer of the Preachers I Cor. 9:14
599.Our King Psa. 89:18
600.Our Lord Psa. 8:1,9
601.Our Passover I Cor. 15:7
602.Our Peace Eph. 2:14
603.Our Sabbath Lev. 23:3. Heb. 4:3,8
604.Our Sin Offering II Cor. 5:21
605.Overcomer Lamb Rev. 17:14
606.Overcomer of the Overcomers Rev. 3:21
607.Overcomer of the Principalities Col. 1:16
608.Overcomer of the World John 16:33
609.Overseer of the Congregation Acts 20:28
[size=16pt]LETTER P[/size]
610.Pattern of the Believers I Timothy 1:16
611.Peacemaker Col. 1:20. Matt. 5:9
612.Perfect Peace Isa. 26:3
613.Physician Matt. 9:12
614.Pierced Messiah Psa. 22:16. Isa. 53:5
615.Pierced One John 19:37. Rev. 1:7
616.Pillar of Fire Exo. 13:21
617.Plant of Renown Eze. 34:29. John 15:1
618.Pleased of the Father Matt. 3:17
619.Polished Shaft Isa. 49:2
620.Portion of Jacob Jer.10:16
621.Portion in the Land of Living Psalms 142:5
622.Portion of Mine Inheritance Psa. 16:5
623.Possessor of Heaven and Earth Gen. 142:5
624.Potentate I Timothy 6:15
625.Potter Jeremiah 18:6
626.Power of God I Cor. 1:24. John 18:6
627.Powerful and Rich Lamb Revelation 7:12
628.Praise of the Children Matthew 21:15-16
629.Praise of the Saints Psa. 148:14. Rev. 19
630.Preacher of Good Things Mark 1:39. Luke 4
631.Preacher of Righteousness Psa. 40:9. Mark 6:12
632.Precious Lamb I Peter 1:18. Isa. 53
633.Precious Lord I Peter 2:7
634.Precious Stone I Peter 2:6-7
635.Preeminent One Col. 1:18. John 1:15
636.Preparer of Heavenly Places John 14
637.Preserver of Men Job 7:20
638.Preserver of Saints Prov. 2:16. John 10:2
639.Preserver of the Word Psa. 12:7
640.Preserver of the Faithful Psa. 31:23
641.Preserver of His Creation Neh. 9:6
642.Priest Hebrews 5:6
643.Priest Forever of Melchisadek Psa. 110:4. Heb. 7:11
644.Prince of Life Acts 3:15
645.Prince of Princes Daniel 8:25
646.Prince of the Kings of the Earth Rev. 1:5
647.Prophet of His Brethren Deut. 18:19. John 1:10
648.Prophet from Nazareth of Galilee Matt. 21:11
649.Prophet Mighty Deed and Truth Luke 24:19
650.Propitiation for Sins I John 2:2
651.Propitiation of our Faith Eph. 2:8. Romans 3:25
652.Proverb to His People Psa. 69:11
653.Pure One I John 3:2. II Cor. 5:21
[size=16pt]LETTER Q[/size]
654.Quickening Love Psa. 119:88; 159
655.Quickening Spirit I Cor. 14:45. John 5:25-28
656.Quickening Word Psa. 119:50. John 5:29-30
[size=16pt]LETTER R[/size]
657.Rabbi Matt. 26:25. John 1:38
658.Rabboni John 20:16
659.Ransom for All I Tim. 2:16. I Peter 2:24
660.Recompenser Heb. 10:30. Rev. 19:11
661.Reconciler of Enemies Romans 5:9. Gal. 1:20
662.Reconciler of Things (Earthly and Heavenly Things) Col. 1:20
663.Redeemer and Forgiver Col. 1:14. Ephesians 1:7
664.Redeemer of Abraham Gen. 15:6. Isa. 29:2
665.Redeemer of Israel Isa. 41:14. Psa. 25:22
666.Redeemer of Souls Psa. 34:22
667.Redeemer of the First Testament Heb. 9:15. Job 14:9
668.Redeemer of Zion Isa. 59:20. Psa. 19:4
669.Redeemer the Holy One Isaiah 54:5
670.Redeemer the Lamb Rev. 7:14; 12:11; 13:8
671.Redeemer the Lord of Hosts Isa. 44:6
672.Redemption I Cor. 1:20. Luke 2:38
673.Refiner and Purifier Mal. 3:3. I Cor. 3:1
674.Refuge for the Oppressed Psa. 9:9; 91
675.Refuge for Us Psa. 62:6
676.Refuge from the Storm Isa. 25:4
677.Refuge in Day of Affliction Jer. 16:19
678.Refuge in Trouble Isa. 25:4
679.Reigning Lamb Rev. 7:5
680.Reproach of Men Psa. 22:6. Matt. 27:39
681.Rest For Our Souls Matt. 11:28
682.Restorer of Zion Psa. 102:16
683.Rejected Stone of Builders Isa. 28
684.Resurrection and Judge John 11:25; 5:29
685.Resurrection and the Life John 11:25
686.Revealer of Secrets Dan. 9:47. Romans 2:6
687.Revealer of Counsels of the Heart I Cor. 4
688.Revealer of the Hidden Mystery Rev. 1:1. Col. 1:27
689.Revealer of the Hidden Things I Cor. 4:5
690.REVEREND Psa. 111:9
691.Rewarder of Servants and Prophets Rev. 11:18
692.Righteous Jer. 12:1
693.Righteous and Very Faithful Testimony Psa. 119:138
694.Right Hand of David Psa. 18:5
695.Right Hand of My Righteousness Isa. 47:10
696.Righteous Branch Jer. 23:5
697.Righteous God Psa. 7:9
698.Righteous Judge II Timothy 4:8
699.Righteous Man Matt. 27:19
700.Righteous One Heb. 3:14
701.Righteous Rock Psa. 92:13
702.Righteous Servant Isa. 53:11
703.Risen Light Isa. 9:11. Matt. 4:16
704.Risen Lord Luke 24:34. I Cor. 15:31
705.River of Waters Isa. 32:2
706.Rock Higher Than I Psa. 61:2
707.Rock of Israel II Sam. 23:3
708.Rock of My Refuge Psa. 94:22
709.Rock of My Salvation Psa. 89:26
710.Rock of Offense Romans 9:33
711.Rock of the Church Matt. 16:18
712.Rock of the Wilderness I Cor. 10:4. Numbers 20:11
713.Rock and Fortress Psa. 71:3
714.Rock Our God Psa. 18:31. Deut. 32:4
715.Rock the Lord Psa. 18:2
716.Rod and Branch Isa. 11:1
717.Rod of His Mouth Isa. 11:4. Deut. 18:18
718.Rod of My Anger Isa. 10:5. Nahum 1:6
719.Rod of My Strength Psa. 110:2
720.Rod of Thine Inheritance Psa. 72:4
721.Root of David Rev. 5:5, 12
722.Rose of Sharon Isa. 65:10. Song of Solomon 2:1
723.Ruler of Israel Micah 5:2. Gen. 49:10
724.Ruler of the Twenty Four Elders Rev. 4:4
[size=16pt]LETTER S[/size]
725.Salvation of All Nations Isa. 33:2. Acts 4
726.Salvation of God Acts 28:28
727.Salvation of the Daughters of Zion Isa. 6:17
728.Samaritan John 4:40; 8:48
729.Same Lord Over All Romans 10:12
730.Same Stone of Prophecy Matt. 21:42
731.Same Yesterday Today Forever Heb. 13:8
732.Same Word of Eternity John 1:2
733.Sanctified and Sent One John 10:36
734.Saving Health Psa. 67:2
735.Saving Strength of His Anointed Psa. 28:8
736.Savior Isa. 19:20. Matt. 1:21
737.Savior Jesus II Peter 1:1
738.Savior of All I Timothy 4:10. Psa. 102:27
739.Savior of the Body Eph. 5:23. Acts 20:28
740.Savior of the Lost Luke 19:10. John 3:16
741.Savior of the World John 4:42. I John 4:14
742.Scepter Out of Israel Numbers 24:17
743.Scorned One Psa. 22:7
744.Searcher of Hearts Jeremiah 17:10. John 2:19
745.Second Man I Cor. 15:47
746.Secret of Thy Presence Psa. 31:20
747.Seed of Abraham (Promise) Heb. 2:16
748.Seed of Adam (Humanity) Luke 3:38
749.Seed of David (Kingship) Psa. 89:4, 38
750.Seed of God (Deity) Luke 1:39. Matt. 1:20
751.Seed of Jacob (Nationality) Isa. 65:9
752.Seed of Judah (Tribe) Gen. 49:10. Rev. 5:5
753.Seed of Shem (Race) Gen. 9:26. Luke 3:36
754.Seed of Woman (Prophecy) Gen. 3:14-15. Gal. 4:4
755.Seeking Shepherd Psa. 9:10. Matt. 9:36
756.Self-Existent One John 8:58. Exo. 6:14
757.Separate from Sinners Heb. 7:26
758.Servant Isa. 42:1. John 13:16
759.Servant of Rulers Isa. 49:7
760.Servant of the Father Matt. 12:18. John 8
761.Servant of the Lord Isa. 42:1. Phil. 2:7
762.Shade Upon Thy Right Hand Psa. 121:5
763.Shadow of a Great Rock Isa. 32:2. Exo. 33:22
764.Shadow of His Hand Psa. 42:2
765.Shadow of Mine Hand Isa. 51:16
766.Shadow of the Almighty Psa. 91:1
767.Shadow of Thy Wings Psa. 63:10. Matt. 23:3
768.Shalom of God Eph. 2:14. Judges 6:23
769.Shekinah Glory Isa. 60:13. Matt. 17:2. John 17:5
770.Shelter Psa. 61:3. Matt. 23:38
771.Shelter of His Flock Isa. 63:12
772.Shepherd of Israel Psa. 80:1
773.Shepherd of Souls I Peter 2:25
774.Shepherd of the Flock Isa. 40:11. John 10
775.Shepherd of the Little Flock Luke 12:32
776.Shepherd of the Other Sheep John 10:16
777.Shepherd of the Sheep John 10:2
778.Shepherd of Tender Compassion Isa. 40:11
779.Shepherd Lamb Rev. 7:17
780.Shepherd of the Valley Psa. 23:4
781.Shield For Me Eph. 6:16. Psa. 3:3
782.Shield of Thy Help Deut. 33:29
783.Shiloh Gen. 49:10
784.Shorn Lamb Isa. 50:6. John 19:1
785.Sign Spoken Against Luke 2:24
786.Silent and Meek Lamb Isa. 53:7. Acts 8:32
787.Sinbearer Isa. 53:2. I Peter 2:24
788.Sinless High Priest Heb. 4:15
789.Sinless One II Cor. 5:21. I John 3
790.Sir John 4:11; 5:7
791.Slayer of the Enemy Eph. 2:16
792.Smiter of the Nations Zech. 12. Eze. 7:9
793.Smitten Judge of Israel Micah 5:1
794.Smitten Rock of Horeb Exo. 17:6
795.Smitten Shepherd Zech. 13:7. Matt. 26:31
796.Smitten of God Isa. 53:4. Matt. 27:46
797.Son of Man Matthew 12:8
798.Sower of the Word of God Matthew 13:37
799.Spirit of Christ Romans 8:9. I John 1:11
800.Song of Drunkards Psa. 69:12
801.Son from Heaven I Thess. 1:10. John 6:58
802.Son of David Matt. 9:27. Luke 3:31
803.Son of Freedom John 8:36
804.Son of God Matt. 27:43. John 9:35
805.Son of Joseph Luke 3:23. John 1:45
806.Son of Man in Heaven John 3:13
807.Son of Man, the Savior Matt. 18:11
808.Son of Mary Mark 6:3
809.Son of Peace Luke 10:6
810.Son of the Father II John 3
811.Son of the Freewoman Gal. 4:30. Rom. 5:9
812.Son of the Highest Luke 1:32
813.Son of the Living God Matt. 16:16
814.Son of Truth John 18:30. Heb. 1:9
815.Son Over His House Heb. 3:6
816.Spiritual Drink I Cor. 10:4. John 6:35
817.Spiritual Meat I Cor. 10:4. John 6:36
818.Spiritual Rock I Cor. 10:4. Exodus 17:6
819.Spoiler of the Principalities Colossians 2:15
820.Spokesman of the Father Heb. 1:2
821.Sprinkler of Nations and Kings Isa. 52:15
822.Star out of Jacob Numbers 24:17
823.Stay Psalms 18:8
824.Stiller of the Raging Sea Matthew 8:26. Psa. 89:9
825.Stone Cut without Hands Daniel 2:34
826.Stone of Israel Genesis 49:24
827.Stone of Stumbling Isa. 8:14
828.Stone the Builders Rejected Matthew 21:42
829.Stranger and Alien Psa. 69:8. John 7
830.Strength and Song Exodus 15:2. Psa. 118:14
831.Strength in Time of Trouble Psa. 37:39
832.Strength of Israel I Samuel 15:29
833.Strength of My Heart Psalms 73:26
834.Strength of My Life Psalms 27:1
835.Strength of the Children Joel 3:16
836.Strength of the Lord Micah 5:4
837.Strength to the Needy Isa. 25:4. Matthew 11:30
838.Strength to the Poor Isa. 25:4. Matthew 11:24
839.Stretched out Arm Deut. 11:2
840.Strong Arm Psa. 89:10
841.Strong Habitation Psa. 71:3
842.Strong Hand Psa. 89:13
843.Strong Lord Psa. 89:8
844.Strong Redeemer Jeremiah 50:34
845.Strong Power Isa. 40:26. Matthew 28:20
846.Strong Rock Psa. 31:2
847.Strong Hold Zech. 9:12
848.Strong Tower Prov. 18:10. II Sam. 22:3
849.Stumbling Stone Romans 8:33
850.Son of Righteousness Mal. 4:2
851.Sure Foundation Isa. 28:16. II Tim. 2:9
852.Sure Mercies of David Isa. 55:3. Acts 13:34
853.Sure Steadfast Anchor Heb. 6:9
854.Surety of a Better Testament Heb. 7:22
855.Surety of David Psa. 119:123
856.Sustainer Psa. 3:5; 55:22
857.Sword of Thy Excellency Deut. 33:29
[size=16pt]LETTER T[/size]
858.Tabernacle Isa. 4:6
859.Tabernacle of God Revelation 21:33
860.Teacher from God John 3:1. Luke 19:47
861.Teacher of David Psa. 18:34
862.Teacher of My Path Psalms 25:4-5
863.Tempest of Hail and Destroying Storm II Thess. 1:8. Isa. 28:2
864.Temple John 2:19
865.Temple of the City Revelation 21:22
866.Tender Plant Isaiah 53:2
867.Terrible God Neh. 1:5. II Thess. 1:8
868.Terrible of the Kings Psalms 76:12
869.Testament of Prophecy Revelation 19:10
870.Testator Matthew 26:28. Hebrews 9:16
871.Testimony of the Scriptures John 5:39
872.That Bread John 6:48
873.That Eternal Life I John 1:2
874.That One from the Beginning I John 1
875.That Prophet Deut. 18:15. John 1:25
876.That Rock I Cor. 10:4
877.The Creator Romans 1:25
878.The Everlasting Arm Deut. 33:27
879.The Excellent Delight Psa. 16:3; 37:10
880.The Glorious Honor of Thy Majesty Psa. 145:5. Heb. 1:3; 8:1
881.The Glory of Their Strength Psa. 89:17
882.The Grace of God Titus 2:11. John 1:17
883.The Highest Psa. 18:13
884.The Just I Peter 3:18
885.The Justification of Life Romans 5:18
886.The Justification of Many Romans 5:16
887.The King Matthew 25:4
888.The Lord My Hiding Place Psa. 32:7
889.The Lord My Helper and Deliverer Psa. 40:17
890.The Love of God I John 3:16
891.The Man John 19:1
892.The Manifest Life I John 1:2
893.The Mercy of the Most High Psa. 21:7
894.The Mighty of Jacob Psa. 132:2
895.The Rock of Our Salvation Psa. 95:1
896.The Savior Psa. 45:13
897.The Victory I Cor. 15:57
898.The Savior of Upright Hearts Psa. 7:10
899.The Secret of the Lord Psa. 25:14. Judges 13:18
900.The Son of the Lord God Psa. 2:12. Prov. 30:4
901.The Song of Moses Exodus 15:1. Revelation 15:3
902.The Sower Matthew 13:37
903.The Straight Gate Matthew 7:14. John 14:6
904.Thine Holy One Psa. 16:10
905.Thresher of Wheat and Chaff Matthew 3:12
906.Throne of God’s Holiness Hebrews 1:8
907.Thou Christ Matthew 26:68
908.Tower of David Song of Solomon 4:14
909.Tower and Fortress Jeremiah 6:27
910.Tower of Salvation II Samuel 22:51
911.Trampler of the Young Lion and Dragon Psa. 91:13
912.Treader of the Angry Waves Job. 9:8
913.Treader of the High Places Deut. 33:29
914.Treader of the Lion and Adder Psa. 91:13
915.Treader of the Winepress Revelation 19:5
916.Thy Glorious Name Neh. 9:5
917.Thy Kindness & Marvelous Comfort Psa. 26:3; 17:7
918.Thy Staff and Comfort Psa. 23:4
919.Thy Praise Deut. 10:21
920.Treasure of Wisdom Colossians 2:3
921.Tried Stone Isaiah 28:16
922.Triumphant Christ II Corinthians 2:14. Col. 2:15
923.Triumphant Overcomer John 16:33. Colossians 2:1
924.Triumphant Lamb Revelation 17:14
925.True and Faithful Witness Jeremiah 42:5. Revelation 3:14
926.True and Righteous Judge Revelation 19:2
927.True Bread from Heaven John 6:32
928.True God and Eternal Life John 17:3. I John 5:2
929.True Light John 1:9
930.True Vine John 15:1
931.Truth John 14:6; 18:37
[size=16pt]LETTER U[/size]
932.Uncorrupted and Glorified One Acts 2:30. John 20:20
933.Uncomprehendable Light John 1:4
934.Undefiled Hebrews 7:26
935.Unknown God Acts 17:23. John 1:3. Romans 1
936.Unspeakable Gift II Corinthians 9:15
937.Upholder of All Things Colossians 1:17. Hebrews 1:3
938.Upholding Right Hand Psalms 63:8
[size=16pt]LETTER V[/size]
939.Valiant Right Hand Psalms 118:15-16
940.Vail to the New and Living Way Hebrews 10:20. Matthew 27:58
941.Very Beautiful King Isaiah 33:17. Revelation 21-22
942.Very Christ Acts 9:22. Luke 24:43
943.Very Foundation of the Church Matthew 16:18
944.Very God of Peace I Thessalonians 5:23
945.Very Great Psalms 104:1
946.Very High Psalms 71:19
947.Very High Priest Hebrews 10:1-39
948.Very High Servant Isaiah 52:13
949.Very Lovely Song Ezekial 33:32
950.Very Present Help Psalms 46:1
951.Very Pure Word Psalms 140
952.Victorious King and Lord Revelation 19:18. Isaiah 66:15
953.Victorious Lord Jesus Psalms 98:1. Matthew 12:20
954.Victorious One Isaiah 66:15. Romans 6:9
955.Victory I Corinthians 15:57
956.Vine John 15:1
957.Voice of Great Thunder Revelation 14:2
958.Voice of Many Waters Revelation 1:12
959.Voice of the Almighty Ezekial 10:5. Hebrews 1:1
960.Voice of the Lord God Genesis 3:8. Psalms 29:4
[size=16pt]LETTER W[/size]
961.Wall of Fire Zechariah 2:5. Exodus 13:27
962.Water of Life John 4:11; 6:36. Revelation 22:17
963.Way John 14:6
964.Way Everlasting Psalms 139:24. John 14:6
965.Way of Salvation Isaiah 45:22. Romans 4:5
966.Way of the Just Isaiah 26:7
967.Way of the Lord Isaiah 40:2
968.Way to the Holiest Hebrews 9:8
969.Weakness of God I Corinthians 1:25
970.Well Beloved of God Matthew 12:6. Psalms 71:3
971.Well Beloved Son Matthew 3
972.White Linen of the Saints Revelation 19:8, 14
973.White Stone Revelation 2:17
974.Wisdom Luke 11:49
975.Wisdom and Knowledge Romans 11:33
976.Wisdom of the Just Luke 1:17
977.Wise and Strong Lamb Revelation 7:12
978.Witness Revelation 1:5
979.Witness of the Father John 8:18
980.Witness of Truth John 18:37
981.Witness to the People Isaiah 55:4. Matthew 26:55
982.Wonderful Counselor Isaiah 9:6, 28, 29
983.Word John 1:1
984.Word Made Flesh John 1:14
985.WORD OF GOD Hebrews 11:3. Revelation 19:13
986.Word of His Power Psalms 33:6. Genesis 1:1
987.Word of Life I John 1:1. John 11:25
988.Word of Righteousness Psalms 119:123
989.Word of the Lord Psalms 18:30
990.Worshipful Lord Matthew 28:17. Revelation 5:14
991.Worthy Lamb of Heaven Revelation 5:12
992.Worthy Lord Jesus Revelation 4:11; 5:9
993.Worthy Redeemer Revelation 5:9
994.Worthy Servant Philippians 2:7. Revelation 7:17
995.Wounded One in House of Friends Zechariah 13:6
996.Wounded One for Transgressors Isaiah 53:12
[size=16pt]LETTER X[/size]
- - - -- - - -- -
[size=16pt]LETTER Y[/size]
997.Yolk of Peace and Rest Matthew 11:28-30
998.Young Child Matthew 2:11. Isaiah 9:6
[size=16pt]LETTER Z[/size]
999.Zeal of the Lord of Hosts Isaiah 9:7; 37:32
1000.Zealous One Psa. 69:9. Matt. 21:12. John 2:14
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